Friday, May 05, 2017

Republicans are well on their own way to Never being elected, Ever Again. I am so Happy about the Republican Party's self-destruction !!

How many times have they held the Federal budget hostage, close to Closing Govt, about 30 times !?

And reversing any Medical Care progress on coverage for pre-existing disease and such, is not just Greedy but Mean !!

They keep digging their own graves, with more "reagan"  massive tax cuts for the already super rich.

Weiss says the bond,debt Bubble is about to burst.
Without banks paying fair interest, stagnant wages, Cal and Oregon State laws against any more Rent Control, the attempted removal of pollution controls, the opening of everything like the entire Cal Coast and Arctic and entire East Coast to leaky offshore oil rigs, and the huge expansion in proposed coal mining,,, will certainly be the the secure coffin nails on All Republicans !!

Horray !!