Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Frisco is at a crisis corner: Continue with $ as King and rampant lawlessness from 5 televised police closed-circle assinations of homeless mentally ill, to the West Coast capitol of tourism where in the 80s and 90s almost every charter and tour bus company was blatantly robbing all drivers of their legal overtime pay and mailed in gratuities like SuperSightseeing proven evidence by a judge, and rich landlords abusing a loophole in rent control by "moving relatives in" but not being prosecuted for shortly getting much higher cost leasers in a "rent control city", or to a City with a conscience for all and a Mayor willing to step on many toes to do what's right.

I witnessed the sfpd motorcycle cop in the Miller Beer Distributor warehouse arrive every Friday, for years, to collect an envelope.
But the inept and probably incompetent sf Grand Jury process and former sfpd cop District Attorney seem to be looking the other way.

So many illegal or unjust evictions.
So much wage theft.
Yes, on the surface a Popular but Expensive Tourist destination.

The Bay Guardian newspaper is gone, alas.
The once famous Chronicle and Examiner are both insignificantly thin.
And Zagat guides bought and closed by Google.

Do they know the Gold Rush was a lie by a greedy SF merchant Sam Brannan, who has a street named for him?
He never saw the acres of surface gold he wrote about in his newspaper that lured millions to move to California with gold fever. But he did raise his shovel and pick tool prices about 5000% and became the first millionaire of that delayed 1948 hoopla about "one small nugget found at Sutter's Mill".

Where are the millions sfpd made running all the rackets vs the mob in the Roaring 20s and beyond, according to the KQED travel show series?

How deep is the City-County irresponsibility and corruption in City Hall?
Will the first Chinese Mayor do anything?
Can the sfpd and the health dept and dpt and public works,etc. be any more incompetent and unreliable!?

This is crisis crossroads time for Frisco, that took its name from Benicia,who was first to take the name of the Bay.