Thursday, May 11, 2017

Want to help your fellow motorist, in NorCal? Call 911 on your cell if you see an accident, see a brakedown car by the side of the road, or see a wreckless driver. REPORT IT.

The 911 CHP dispatchers are mostly polite ,at least here in NorCal.
They may ask you to get off speakerphone.
And repeat 3 times. Or 4xs.
And ask for your real/pseudo name...
(I'm 'clark kent' a lot ;)

You will probably get some city dispatcher first.
Just keep asking , " IS THIS THE CHP ?"

Yes, it is legal to call 911 while driving ; Ask any cop.
Or you can have a companion call if you just want to drive.
Before they install cameras all over SF and the state highways, we good citizens should help other Californians in trouble on the roads.
It's simple easy and you will feel better! More human maybe.

Unless you can think of a better name, I call it, " the NorCal Chapter of Cal Cares by Callers of 911".
Yeah, you can do better.

Unfortunately, as a pro commercial driver, for decades I have been unable to get SoCal 911 CHP dispatchers interested or polite in ,"Hey , there is a huge multi-family accident on the 405, bloody bodies Everywhere!"