Sunday, July 30, 2017

I am so frustrated with the GREEN PARTY Fundraising heavily, and Not Campaigning DAILY!

Are near-dead Democrats advising them!?

Every Day the Green Party from Many Voices not just one person Should Be Campaigning,  telling the People,  the Voters how different ?THEY? would do things!

After a long time of Explaining the Green Party difference,  then They have to get lots of volunteers DEDICATED  to their Principles to run for EVERY ENTRY OFFICE IN THE USA.
This doesn't  take a lot of money and money should be secondary.

The Green Party STILL must win many more hearts and minds!
Otherwise the 2 party system will be our ruin.

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

SF/"Frisco" of the still lawless "Wild West", has a Live locator map at for Popular above ground Streetcars, but Not for Popular Cable Cars, cuz they don't have a GPS! What Bunk!

Frisco,  get GPSs on All Cable Cars so we locals And Tourists can see on a map Live where they are!

Cable Car operators are overpaid,  so charge $10 each way and find Somebody to Manage Frisco Cable Cars so that it makes at least a little profit instead of always annually a big loss! Geesh!

Monday, July 24, 2017

LAUSD/Los Angeles United School District is a Horrible Terrible Boss! DO NOT WORK FOR IT!

First off,  in sorry California,  if you change school districts,  you loose your accumulated seniority pay. and start at the bottom , the pathetic bottom pay,  again.
That's grounds for rotten fruit pillory, video gaming most sellout Sacramento politicians.

But LAUSD is too big and too expensive.
There was a ballot measure to keep public school district admin. budgets in California under 10%.
But LAUSD said, "no, what about the tiniest school districts. "
The statewide measure failed.
Strike 1.

For decades LAUSD has been profligate with tax money,  one year phonics-based school books and the next literature-based school books. And back again.
Strike 2.

LAUSD forces and for decades has forced weak women, and men,  college educated and Credentialed Professional Teachers in public schools to move BOXES and HEAVY BOXES of school district property from one classroom to another yearly,  instead of hiring pro movers with hand trucks and safety back brace belts.
At least one Teacher has successfully  sued LAUSD for an injured spine for such abuse.
Strike 3.

You have been WARNED.

How does GOOGLE Map get away with Not putting RxR tracks for Caltrain from Gilroy and San Josey to Frisco on its "Maps"?

Isn't  this Very Valuable information,  to non-Bart users?



You should Really think Twice before buying a New Car with FWD/front wheel drive!

Remember the promo by the car companies,  "less steel with no long drive shaft and heavy rear axle,  so better gas mileage, and lower car cost! "
Well,  2 out of 3 isn't a Complete Lie.  Cars are still WAY overpriced... Especially the mediocrity most companies are putting out!

What none of the Mfgs want to say is that most FWD cars are most weight forward and thus very UNBALANCED,  and thus PRONE TO LOSE TRACTION IN TURNS AND CRASH,especially on wet asphalt.
Just a minor point.

Have you noticed that most new cars with FWD are not labeled as such? Rather odd, isn't it.
AWD,  yes. FWD,  a No.
If the Auto Industry is so Proud,  then put a label on the rear, like a tramp-stamp.
And have you seen the big pile of car parts broken at the hard left turn Eastbound off the SF Bay Bridge on Highway 80 in Emeryville ,,,in a light rain?
CalTrans can't  keep up with picking up and sweeping up all the smashed new car part$ debris there.
And on infamous windy Highway 17 in a very light rain!

Well,  you have been WARNED!
I bought an Acura Integra in 2000 and will NEVER EVER AGAIN BY A FWD, Weight forward, UNBALANCED, HARD FAST UNCONTROLLABLE  SPINOUT,  Front Wheel Drive car again. Don't care what the car salesman says.

Thursday, July 20, 2017


DG,  your beautiful wife's 1990s limo driver,  sending you and your family lots of Respect and Love. Thanks for letting me waiting in your Home's living room all those times. Your music got me thru high school and SJSC 4 years hard science in the 60s!
Driving for Chariot now...
Love you, Man.

Most cellphone/"smart"phone Calendar Apps DELETE ALL the previous month's Notes! That is not "smart" but STUPID!

Keep Calendar notes for a year or 2!
Medical events...
Birth of Child...
Major Pay Raise...
Great date, name and #....

Hell Yes!

Wikipedia forgot the headshots on the Very Long List of ABC's late night WNN show!

The rule should be,  you drop a name of someone being reviewed,  you add a mugshot.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

If SF has 2 SUBWAYS under Market Street, then Why are there so many MUNI BUSES clogging all lanes of Market Street? Are subways unwanted by most?

Get all MUNI buses off Market Street in this test.
Let's  see if most travelers will use the underground MUNI METRO subway under Market!
I don't  think they will.

This means SF should stop all subway construction asap.
It is a huge waste of tax money.

Sunday, July 16, 2017


In less than 360 days of irregular  wear,  the sole deeply cracked at the arch.

Company  did not reply  to an email in 2 weeks!

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Friday, July 14, 2017

Buy a $50 Amazon antenna and get FREE TV CHANNELS IN THE SF BAY AREA from SF Sutro Tower!

Better quality TV channel signals than Comcast.

The Founding Fathers,,, may have failed at not being Serious enough, after revolt to English Colonists.

Seem to recall they talked about banning Slavery, as the Brits did in x. But they didn't. "People are not property" ,except in some places here were you can still beat your wife and lock your kids in a dark closet all day here. And all the "johns".

Did they talk about a National Language? Canada has 2. English and French would have been better than Voter pamphlets in over 20 foreign languages.

How did they miss "the Right to Privacy"!?

And they talked about the historical political corruption of rulers, Senators and Reps accepting gifts.  But look how untracked "campaign contributions" in as little as $10,000 can buy a vote here or $1M to "buy" an election.  The Supremes say "money is free speech" and votes, but then lawyers are often wrong on both sides of most issues.

How about "Honesty in Government"?  Laughable,  cryable how FDA is against safe food,  CDC is against safe medicine and safe doctors in safe hospitals,  and even the EPA is against a safer Environment.

How about "the USA always First and Foremost". Boy,  the big and multinational corporations  wouldn't like that much.

Or "Equal and Honest pay for every hardworking Person". Nope,  not there yet either.

The new, not Lincoln,  Republicans and other selfish Conservatives may get their wish and destroy all this experiment in national government.  We haven't acted like one Nation since, say before the Vietnam fiasco.

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Who the Hell does Google think They are, Demanding you IMMEDIATELY "Confirm your gmail account!"

I said "not now", and Google would not stop PESTERING !!
For Hours!

Who the Hell do these corporations  think they are!?

Racism, Sexism, Ageism is Alive and Well in San Francisco.

And a Lot of the Have-Much against the Have-little.
Even with the first Chinese Mayor.
Tragic for a once pro-worker progressive city.

The crash of Asiana at San Francisco's SFO airport was Not fully explained, from the old Control Tower.

Now the recent 5 large passenger commercial plane Near-crash has not been fully explained from the new expensive Control Tower!
How can so many Air Traffic Controllers NOT SEE that the Air Canada loaded plane was lined up to LAND on the taxiway, Not one of the 2 much larger, specially lit RUNWAYS!?

SF may want to bury this huge public safety story,  like someone did to all the video on YouTube of the 45second October 1989, 8.1r Major Earthquake.  And the multiple fires caused by too old cast iron water pipes in the expensive Marina neighborhood. And the dramatic sagging of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1987, the 50 Birthday Party of the vehicle closed,  pedestrian open to many 100,000s of Spring celebrants. And the 4 or 5 TV news videos of SFPD cops close circling homeless, mentally ill street people without guns and then all firing pistols in a close circle to murder the victim. So Dangerous to the cops firing at such close range in a small circle!

What does this do to the safety stats for SFO,,, versus Oakland Airport?

And what,  again,  are the most criminal and violently UNSAFE neighborhoods in SF to avoid?
Serious lack of sufficient affordable public parking all over town.
Not enough cops walking the streets all over town.
Bicycle theft is a huge problem mostly ignored by the police; You can see sidewalk piles of stollen $2000 bicycles around town.
Smashed parked car windows on the streets, even in rich Pacific Heights, are a growing common day and nighttime problem.
Streets have old old potholes and some people just go around major rough streets like Masonic and Toland and little Harriet and,,,
The new Chinatown-Ballpark is a super expensive,  unnecessary waste of tax money in a tourism #1biz city where most want to stay above ground and enjoy the 44 hills views.

Beware of MSN's Outlook trying to get rid of old "" email addresses!

Text Support: "Hi,  I am having lot of trouble with my email account.  The Move tap often doesn't work when I want to file-save an email. And x doesn't work. The XX doesn't  work either! What can I do?"

Did you Refresh?
Alright,  we recommend  you close the email account.  And then just try to re-open it. Yes,  we are not allowing anyone to open a account.

And You say, "So closing my main email, account will fix all the malfunctioning parts, like Move,  of using this email account?"

Support says, "Suuure,  don't  you trust us?"

Did you call MCDONALD'S 800# to complain,,, about a dirty littered Franchise location? That was, she said, an "independent contractor", Not McD's that answered.

And guess who answers?
No, not the McD Corporation.
But the perp,  the Manager and maybe Owner of the substandard Franchise!!
Do you feel like an unpaid Cop?

"Hi,  I want to complain about a messy littered MCDONALD'S  location!"

Really,  I'm the Manager.  For Years I've  gotten away with substandard cleanliness and saved all kinds of money in windex, paper towels,  mops, buckets,  brooms,  water,  trash bags, litter sticks and sooo many hours pay to employees that told you they "don't care about sticky tables, overflowing trashcans and littered parking lots."
So don't call McD,  just call me, the guilty Manager, OK?

And then you say, "Really?"


Oh,  and a bag is 10 CENTS, whether you order one,  or Not!

Monday, July 10, 2017

Standard green-yellow-red traffic lights are too risky with shortened and lengthened yellow periods, and without 3 yellow end warning flashes or modern countdown yellows.

I wonder how many red light tickets and T-bone accidents and fatalities that all adds up to, just in the USA,  every year?
Dollars and Lives?

It's  kind of like Russian Roulette now,  but with cars not revolvers.
And on public streets not out at Angel Island.
Kind of 1900s ,low traffic,  learning curve thinking,  eh?

Thursday, July 06, 2017

Placerville, CA. was named "Hangtown" during the Big Fat Liar, Sam Brannan-May 1848 "gold is on the surface!" mostly Not, Wild West, spend your life savings in Frisco at 5000% markup for supplies, WILD WEST, lawless dangerous and twice citywide Vigilante lynchings without due process. So use the Original name, if you go to "Placerville" and let's stop whitewashing brutal real history, shall we?

My Great Great Grandfather came to the Wild West  to work as a blacksmith.
From the East Coast side,,,
As far as we can tell he never went geology-ignorant "looking for gold".
His family was from Holland,  Gouda a beautiful canal city,  for over 250 years.
And before that Belgium.
And before that,,,?

His son started a General Store in North Sacramento and my retired Dad found the original foundation!

His son,  since many had spent their entire life savings on a sure thing and had no money to go home and were starving living off the very rich land(not nevada), started a peach orchard,  eating peaches, North of Marysville,  not hard picked under-ripe canning peaches, but Melrose,  the best eating peach there ever was.
Big as a softball freestone juicy colorful delicious,  yet the State and UCDavis have no record at all of this once valuable and highly desirable crop!

His son was super gifted with manual dexterity and design sense,  becoming a Master Craftsman,  one of the first Navy Seals before, way before they were called Frogmen in their green skin diving drysuits in WW2, and a college professor for 40 years.

His son became a Yosemite tour bus driver in the Golden Age 1970s and 80s after the Curry Family left,  and then a stretch limousine driver hauling lots of frisky bachellorette party's runs, usually young beautiful women getting drunk and getting very naked in back in full view,  so we don't  talk about him.

Oh,  and we are calling the SF Bay Bridge the "Emperor Norton Bay Bridge" ,if you want to be withit.
Not the eastern Oakland Bay Bridge,  that's the "$6B+ Folly Faulty Oakland-Jerry Brown Bay Bridge".

SPEEDO tells me, "We do not keep records of all our swimsuit patterns." Massive Marketing Mistake!

No SPEEDO swimsuit museum!?

My favorite was the brown with white raindrops.

Too bad.

Tuesday, July 04, 2017

Hiring LESS SAFE but Cheaper SCHOOL BUS SUBCONTRACTORS is a Huge Mistake! I drove for one, low pay, San Diego, 1970s, and They really did not care if some cheap drivers ran the RxR often!

Not Safer!

WOMEN!,,,if you Ever listen,,, at All,,, GET Your Calcium/OSTEOPOROSIS check at least every 10yrs,,,or 5 yrs,,, Hello, are you listening!?

My Mom was super healthy and super active,  Girl Scout Troop Leader and President of the PTA--watch out Donald--and part of an Investment Club in Willow Glen that beat Wall Street and was on National TV,,,  so her FEMALE  doctor skipped doing a simple calcium test in her 40s and 50s.

Now she is 99, still making most women look like the laziest selfish uneducated anti-community people ever,  and she has SEVERE OSTEOPOROSIS,  with weak bones  and 3 cracked vertebrae, hunchback and on morphine for the PAIN.

WOMEN!,,, do you ever listen!?

Why does it take Google, over 2 WEEKS, to answer a Google Account Customer's Request? This is LOUSY CUSTOMER SERVICE, Google!

I have long reviewed Google Map locations,  and am frequently asked to do much more, especially in my half-done neighborhood.

So when I was asked to improve my account,  I did not understand it was opening a second account and losing MY FIRST ACCOUNT access!
Why does Google do This?!?
And with no option to effectively CANCEL  the second DUPLICATE ACCOUNT!!

I have written "Help" and "Feedback " almost daily for 2 weeks,  with ZERO REPLY from Google.  Guess they do need those 10,000s new Employees!
Too much slacking and long free Co. multi-restaurant dining?

With Microsoft's history of nonexistent to lousy Customer Service,  it is amazing other ".com" Companies want to copy such a Bad Example.


Most SF tourist don't seem to know there is a FREE SF MASS TRANSIT map at almost every good hotel.

It shows all the MUNI BUS lines,  and the STREETCAR ROUTES, and the CABLE CAR ROUTES.
You don't  have to go Underground if you don't want to!; Enjoy the Views Above!!

hint: You do not need to get on at the end of the line,  say Market X Powell. A Very Long Line!
Instead, wait at Union Square,  as the cars do Not leave the Ends Full, because it is Not end to end service, but continuous service along the line for riders getting on and off,  Not just tourists.

2nd Hint:SENIORS pay attention and get your DISCOUNT.

3rd Hint: Unfortunately  ,exact change  is Requested,,, so buy a 1DAY PASS or 3DAY PASS or 7DAY PASS at the end terminals, Union Square,  or possibly Walgreen's.

Use it.
Look much less confused and bewildered!

Monday, July 03, 2017

San Francisco has,,, FREE WALKING TOURS, for years, with SF CITY GUIDES out of the library.

Go to any good hotel to get the brochure, from the brochure rack or Concierge.
Tipping also is "not allowed ".
Talk about a $ saver!

And there are Special separate walks,  like Emperor Norton's.

Usual walking tour rates are $30-40 PER PERSON!
skip that.

Sunday, July 02, 2017

In the NetWeb "world" ,it is perfectly OK to use someone else's real name as your "username" if you are first to Register it. Stupid and Dangerous! Another "Donald Trump"? He-ll NO!

Look at how unsafe their NetWeb make-believe "world" is,  more dangerous than the real world.
And businesses,  unrepresentative businesses run this Monster.