Friday, July 14, 2017

The Founding Fathers,,, may have failed at not being Serious enough, after revolt to English Colonists.

Seem to recall they talked about banning Slavery, as the Brits did in x. But they didn't. "People are not property" ,except in some places here were you can still beat your wife and lock your kids in a dark closet all day here. And all the "johns".

Did they talk about a National Language? Canada has 2. English and French would have been better than Voter pamphlets in over 20 foreign languages.

How did they miss "the Right to Privacy"!?

And they talked about the historical political corruption of rulers, Senators and Reps accepting gifts.  But look how untracked "campaign contributions" in as little as $10,000 can buy a vote here or $1M to "buy" an election.  The Supremes say "money is free speech" and votes, but then lawyers are often wrong on both sides of most issues.

How about "Honesty in Government"?  Laughable,  cryable how FDA is against safe food,  CDC is against safe medicine and safe doctors in safe hospitals,  and even the EPA is against a safer Environment.

How about "the USA always First and Foremost". Boy,  the big and multinational corporations  wouldn't like that much.

Or "Equal and Honest pay for every hardworking Person". Nope,  not there yet either.

The new, not Lincoln,  Republicans and other selfish Conservatives may get their wish and destroy all this experiment in national government.  We haven't acted like one Nation since, say before the Vietnam fiasco.