Tuesday, July 04, 2017

WOMEN!,,,if you Ever listen,,, at All,,, GET Your Calcium/OSTEOPOROSIS check at least every 10yrs,,,or 5 yrs,,, Hello, are you listening!?

My Mom was super healthy and super active,  Girl Scout Troop Leader and President of the PTA--watch out Donald--and part of an Investment Club in Willow Glen that beat Wall Street and was on National TV,,,  so her FEMALE  doctor skipped doing a simple calcium test in her 40s and 50s.

Now she is 99, still making most women look like the laziest selfish uneducated anti-community people ever,  and she has SEVERE OSTEOPOROSIS,  with weak bones  and 3 cracked vertebrae, hunchback and on morphine for the PAIN.

WOMEN!,,, do you ever listen!?