Thursday, July 13, 2017

The crash of Asiana at San Francisco's SFO airport was Not fully explained, from the old Control Tower.

Now the recent 5 large passenger commercial plane Near-crash has not been fully explained from the new expensive Control Tower!
How can so many Air Traffic Controllers NOT SEE that the Air Canada loaded plane was lined up to LAND on the taxiway, Not one of the 2 much larger, specially lit RUNWAYS!?

SF may want to bury this huge public safety story,  like someone did to all the video on YouTube of the 45second October 1989, 8.1r Major Earthquake.  And the multiple fires caused by too old cast iron water pipes in the expensive Marina neighborhood. And the dramatic sagging of the Golden Gate Bridge in 1987, the 50 Birthday Party of the vehicle closed,  pedestrian open to many 100,000s of Spring celebrants. And the 4 or 5 TV news videos of SFPD cops close circling homeless, mentally ill street people without guns and then all firing pistols in a close circle to murder the victim. So Dangerous to the cops firing at such close range in a small circle!

What does this do to the safety stats for SFO,,, versus Oakland Airport?

And what,  again,  are the most criminal and violently UNSAFE neighborhoods in SF to avoid?
Serious lack of sufficient affordable public parking all over town.
Not enough cops walking the streets all over town.
Bicycle theft is a huge problem mostly ignored by the police; You can see sidewalk piles of stollen $2000 bicycles around town.
Smashed parked car windows on the streets, even in rich Pacific Heights, are a growing common day and nighttime problem.
Streets have old old potholes and some people just go around major rough streets like Masonic and Toland and little Harriet and,,,
The new Chinatown-Ballpark is a super expensive,  unnecessary waste of tax money in a tourism #1biz city where most want to stay above ground and enjoy the 44 hills views.