Friday, September 29, 2017

Why is Outrageously Rich Silicon Valley so Generous to its Employees yet so Cheap to the limo and bus drivers!?

Employees get free meals, not "cafeteria" but Restaurant quality Free meals, all day long. The manager's limo driver in cheap suit and nice tie and expensive shoes, usually gets nada.
No $50-$100 tip a day.
No use of lobby restroom.
None of the lavish employee freebies from dry cleaning service to dog care to baby care to free massages.
Just "wait on the curb until needed."

I have stood and sat for hours outside Oxxxxx and Axxxx and in a suit been refused lobby restroom access!

I have been in the lobby of Yxxxx and Mxxxxxxxx and even fab glam Pxxxxxxxxx, but not allowed in that fab set of free to all employees restaurants there in Pleasanton.
The food they throw away every day would feed us dozen of stuck in place limo drivers.

So that is really telling about most Silicon Valley super profitable companies: They are only Very generous to their Very own.

Yes, there are exceptions like Sand Hill's Kxxx. Super gracious to limo drivers and Corp guests. Great chow!