Monday, November 01, 2010

DWTS,,,2010,,,It is the SOFT-TOUCH judges FAULT that Audrina got voted off so early, too early

All 3 judges are way too soft on all the don't try / lots of excuses / too out of shape / too old / can't feel the music/beat for another Superbowl ring ,,, contestants !!

There is no way Audrina should have been sent home this early, but because the other contestants scores were too 'kind' inflated, this situation has happened again !!

Audrina, you did great ,,,not much 'chemistry' flirting with your partner tho,,, not much confidence when you are young and fit and beautiful and coordinated and Lauren's friend ,,, and not nearly enough smiles and changes of expression in your joy of dancing ,,, but still , it was mainly the 3 judges mistake unfair that it is that sent you home early.