Thursday, November 25, 2010

I hope the British public will not let the British Press do what they did to Diana to the new Kate

If i was in Britain i would be in Kate's Club: i would flash mirrors(you know, those 2sided steel camping small mirrors with a lanyard hole) in the lenses of the paperazzi ,,, and get in front of them with tongue out to ruin their photos,,, and even flash cameras in their faces to temporarily blind them as they do to their victims.  Try and keep them at least 50m away with 'friendly close-knit group arms-linked walking'...teach them some manners ... with lots of polite suggestions.

Lord knows the Brits are as out of work as we are. And what they allowed last time to happen to Princess Diana should not have happened.  Will and Kate deserve a private life and private spaces, tho you have a better law than we Yanks do on that subject of individual privacy.  More must be done by you everyday Brits !!

And of course, no violence.  Not even any civil disobedience.  Just public courtesy, that biz seems to be so lacking of.  What do you do when you see an old tottering person trying to cross the street? You help them across if they accept your offer.  What do you do when you see a scruffy teen purse snatch or pick a pocket? You insist they give it back, or you'll call a bobby.  What do you do when you see a pack of ruffians bump a little old man off the side walk falling to his face?  You tell the rat-pack to get some manners and help the old fellow up and ask if he need medical or other assistance.  Common public decency, that the British are so famous for.  Maybe not the Irish, but the British, most definitely.

All the best, Will and Kate !!  Protect young love and your monarchy !!