Thursday, November 25, 2010

What i want for Christmas ,,, The RNC has the extreme Tea Party, so i want separate from the DNC a Progressive, Fiscally Responsible ,Green, USA jobs first ,end Effectless Wars Party

One that will do more than one thing at once ... like start fixing all the USA infrastructure and hire millions of out of work Americans AND re-do the tax code.

And remove any ceiling from SSN taxes.  And tax the hell out of anyone making more than $1M/year.

And remove Trick Dick Nixon's limit on BP like oil environmental disasters.  And tax,fine and eliminate any company that tries to poison the public and the USA long term without any corporate responsibility, like Silicon Valley.  Bigger fines get bigger responsible action !!   No more pandering to Wall Street.  White collar crime will no long be encouraged and tolerated. Long jail terms for all the Madoff's and Delays.  Very very long terms in no luxury prisons.

And if you want to import some dumb Chinese national instead of hire an out of work American, it is going to cost you lots.  And like western Europe , fix our porous borders.

A Party with principles and spine, heart and guts.