Thursday, January 06, 2011

Jan.2011, So very disappointed in Obama and the Democrat Majority sloth of the recent past

Why could we not have voted for a President who actually would end the no-win Middle East wars?
Now,,,not years and years in the future!!
Oops, don't we one tent Democrats feel foolish now.

Don't someone, the Democrats, believe in progressive taxation anymore? 1% owns 34% of the nation's wealth and 90% doesn't own even 34%. Who cares. Certainly not the Republicans who seem to prefer an oligarchy and cash is king. Now the weak, dithering Democrats. What's the 'dif' for voters?

Do you  remember Obama saying he would close Guantanamo prison in one year from his inaugural?
Thought so. But no.

The Bush rich tax cuts should have been cut that first day, not allowed to linger for 2 years to 'end date'. And then have the President Obama meet with Republican leaders to extend it ,,,2 MORE YEARS!!  shite,,, who can we "trust"?  There is a much abused word , like "change".  (chump change, America!!)

And the Supreme Court ruling that money equals votes and corporations are people with full rights ,,, IS SO WRONG AND NOT CONSTITUTIONAL.  But do you see the touting Republicans doing anything,no. And the Democrats did not write a bill to make a law to CHANGE THIS !! Damn, what a waste of time Congress led by Democrats is !!

Why do we still have the same corporate servant, civil servants in the Department of Labor, who when you talk confidentially about your employer in these tough times stealing your wages, the DOL employee says 'oh, we were just chatting. You have a case already, but wait and gather more evidence before filing a formal form with us."  Then a day or 2 later your boss is so suddenly very angry vs happy with stealing wages from you, and still doing it !!  

We could have elected a Republican for such sloth, double-dealing and incompetence !!

The easiest way to save Social Security is to take the payroll tax cap off so that all income is taxed. Did the President and Democrat majority do THIS ONE EASY THING?

no. This is crucial!!  This is the biggest failure of this administration!!  The biggest failure of many,like quickly ending wars we can not afford and have zero chance of victory.  

This is why me must go to publicly funded elections and take the toxic corporate campaign money out of politics completely.  Otherwise, as we all know by now, our politicians are first bought by 'special interests' and then elected,,, and then owned by the same 'special interests'.

Did we get a public option? Or single payer? 
no.  But there was all that campaign talk about it,,,?

And we still have Bush JRs "no child left behind" total failure in national public education, just ask most public school teachers.  And we still, still allow public school superintendents golden parachutes and golden handshakes and bloated salaries,like private corporations a license to steal as much as possible from shareholders.  This can not last !!  Shame, shame, shame on all you public school robber barons!!

Did we get an much needed overhaul to the Tax Code? no.

The bankers got the bail-out and are sooo arrogant ,again!!  But what about a much needed federal ,all states public works project to start to fix our "Crumbling American Infrastructure"?!! 

It is all about the corrupt ,too risky and illegal(they say they did nothing "improper" like forging signatures on mortgages they did not know who owned,,,oh, no , lying and forging and fraudulent financial transactions are what we expect nowadays from Wall Street) bankers and financial companies and not about the touted 'middle class' and their a.r.m.-screwed plight, with millions of Americans holding rotten mortgages that the Feds can't even fix with a corrupt and broken Fannie and Freddie.  They should have cut the interest out on all troubled mortgages, taken over the principles, and given out 1% fixed rate ,30 year federal mortgages.  Screw the bankers that got us into this mess, and now have profited mightily from their disregard!!

 But our new President has always been with the de-regulators , not they re-regulators, who want tough active oversight of American financials.  So Obama just appointed more Wall Streeters, and USAToday says American corporations are sitting on huge cash ,,,but NOT HIRING AMERICANS ,,, but instead buying back shares and increasing dividends.  WHERE and WHEN WILL WE EVER GET A DEMOCRAT PRESIDENT WHO ACTUALLY DOES GREATLY INCREASE JOBS FOR AMERICANS !? And the USA so badly needs infrastructure repair ,,, in every state, ok forget Arizona,,, and Nevada for welching on the nuclear repository after taking all those $Millions.  

If we knew then how 'compromised' Obama would be to meet with Republican leaders instead of Pelosi and the Demo./his party leaders, i never would have voted for him. Someone who talks big and does little has lost my vote in 2012.