Tuesday, January 25, 2011

San Francisco ,,,Jan.2011,,,and San Francisco Bay Area are AM-FM Radio DESERTS !! With DEREGULATION, is this what we and the politicians WANTED !!

Soft Jazz 103.7fm is GONE,,,and not replaced in SF or the SFBayArea.  More rock and roll on that station now,,,

NOW ,,, 102.1fm is GONE,,CLASSICAL MUSIC,,, and ,despite some complaints by the effete that it was not good enuf, will be HARD TO REPLACE.

Where is the Hawaiian music?
Where is the ,,, Jamaican music?
We use to get Blues Music on Sundays,,,
from 'the house of blues' folks,,,so why not 24-7?
Where is the folk music?
Where is the funk music?
98.1 does a great job playing disco gold!
Where is the 2 or 3 classical music stations?
We have lots of rock and roll,,,
Some country,,,
But not much else.

7 MILLION people live in the SFBayArea and yet there is a virtual am-fm music DESERT around San Francisco !!  9 counties, lots of diversity, but very little diversity to listen to on AM/FM radio, and i am not talking satellite radio.

We have one or two "20? NEW but yet tasteless" stations,,,

But where is the station playing all the popular music in WESTERN EUROPE ??

And no Japanese modern music either,,,

What are the Aussie's listening too ?

And not one African music station,,,!?

Do Canadians listen to music,,, or just the big empty ,,, ??

We have a few Mexican music and Mexican language stations, if you like to listen to mariachi 'zapatos stepping on los gatos' ear-piercing music,,,

So, yes, we have lots of Rock and roll, even unnecessary 103.7fm,,, and some Country,,, and some Mexican ,,,but where is the Brazilian !!??  They have lots of great music and musicians,,,

And not one French music and language station !! Sacre bleu !!

What kinda 'cultural capital' is SF if it has so little am-fm radio diversity, when it has such a DIVERSE POPULATION !!??

I use to listen to the German music on Sunday's for a few hours, but can not find even that any more,,,

Is this the best the SFBayArea politicians can do ??  Is this the best we can expect from the much touted, supposedly great but disastrous "deregulation" of most things, like home gas and electric-- got Gov. Grey Davis FIRED immediately for the first time in California history-- and airlines--how do YOU like those long long long OVER 3 HOUR WAITS ON INTERNATIONAL FLIGHTS??-- and banking--bet you are enjoying all your free time with all these massive layoffs, massive OVER 12 % UNEMPLOYMENT caused by bankers and a.r.m. mortgages, and huge bank bailout and BANK PROFITS , during this second only to the Great Depression economic morass, eh ?--and 'deregulation' of the am-fm radio stations.

So,,, is this as good as "deregulation" gets !?