Thursday, May 12, 2011

May 2011: Mitt Romney is 'running' for President in 2012, Really? Scary.

Mr. Mitt Romney was officially in charge of the USA 2002 Salt Lake City Olympics, and should have been fired!!  As a hired bus driver, i also blame the IOC and the USOC!!  He and they hired a transportation coordination company-sleazoids- who lied to us in recruiting in the SFBayArea with "$18+/hr pay" and "no more than 10-12hrs / day work schedules".  We drove over 2 days to get there and they then say "oh, your pay is half of what we said cuz you are working from 6am-2am, every day, regardless of the federal 8hrs off-continuous to sleep per day safety rule!!

The east SLC apt was a dump and i could only get 2 sheets and one blanket IN THE WINTER with snow on the ground, tho at 7000' Park City there was a news-ban snow drought of only 2ft.  i drove my minibus all over town looking in Salt Lake City for blankets, electric blankets and big warm comforters,,, but the stores were already and then ,DURING THE OLYMPICS, pulling all that off the shelves and putting up ,,, swimsuits for Summer!! (big group laugh at SLC)

I worked for arrogant Sports Illustrated(never again), instead of friendly and generous Nike, for a week until i could not longer stay safe and awake and quit and flew home to the SFBayArea.  Many other professional commercial-license bus drivers did as well; Feel free to call Hotdogger Bus of SoCal to verify that their ENTIRE COMPANY quit!!  

Mitt, did you serve the standard 8 yrs as an officer in ANY branch of the U.S. Military?  No?

Mr. Mitt Romney, you are no leader to me.  Take your pretty wife and go home.