Monday, May 16, 2011

An open letter to President Obama: May2011, San Francisco does not "NEED" a subway from the ballpark to downtown, so WHY are we wasting valuable tax money ?!

Talk about a total waste of money!: a subway from the ballpark to Union Square and the Financial District.  We have a Mediterranean climate and it is only about a mile or less to walk on relatively safe city streets.  So why waste all this money,,,when our roads need repaving more to fill all the potholes in California, and CalTrain is in trouble, and there is so little money for the recent ballot passed "fast train" from LA to Sac. to SF ??

Please, Mr. President, STOP this public money WASTE immediately !!

San Francisco may Want this 'public works project', but no one can prove it is Needed.  What a waste!!