Wednesday, November 23, 2011

DO NOT move to California; You will BE SO SORRY !!

First, Democrat Governor(acts like a Republican) Grey Davis tricks us into "de-regulation" of home gas and electric. Ever see the dvd movie "enron"??  The state is DROWNING IN RED INK!!

Second, my 93yr old folks in San Jose, Ca. pay MONTHLY, $200 for water for a 3BR-2BA SMALL RANCH HOUSE !!  And farmers pay less than $50 an acre foot, such a costly unnecessary subsidy!!

Third, we Californians for decades have hated and made fun of the State Department of Motor Vehicles/ DMV because of ,good reason!, terrible inefficiency of the staff and we-dont-care attitude of the state 'civil servants' there.  For decades.  Go into any DMV office and you can plainly see these people do not know the meaning of 'an honest days labor for an honest days wage'!!

Fourth, the State Highway engineers/ CalTrans are a joke when it comes to reliability and good engineering!!  Look at the huge time and budget delays on the east half of the Bay Bridge replacement project that was originally suppose to be a high $1B,,, and is now way over $10B , IF you can find an honest person in state govt to tell you the truth!!

Fifth, it is a right to work state.  What does that mean?  Let's say you work for an employer that steals part of your paycheck, like the Mafia in the usa, every 2 weeks.  If you quit, because you are tired of being robbed of $10,000 /year, the State Employment Development Department / EDD will not give you Unemployment Insurance because , in California, if your employer steals from you as many employers in California do, and you quit to slight possibility find an honest employer, EDD says quitting because of wage theft is not a good enough reason and will deny your Unemployment Insurance claim!!  

So forget about all those super famous, and super rich!!, Californians on that tv ad marketing campaign about "go to California".  We use to lead the nation is the positive direction; Now we lead in the decline, in wages, in homes in foreclosure/robbery by the banks that caused the national recession in the first place , to politicians who answer to fat contributors to their campaign and not to their sworn oath to the voters and citizens of the state!!