Tuesday, November 29, 2011

We shouldn't just blame all of Congress; Political grid-lock is what we voted in in 2008. In 2012, instead of voting our frustration, we can vote for efficiency in ONE PARTY RULE

Yeah, i was very disappointed in President Obama's small "Change". Very. But he is not a dictator, and aren't we glad we are not one of those regressive many nations!  So frustrating!  And Congress!  But we voters made this mess.  

We voters suckered for 'less taxes, more debt' and look what a mess the Republicans have left us in.  As foolish as Reagan's 'big military, less taxes'. They were ruling as this deficit and debt problem exploded.  We did vote them out, and it will take years or maybe decades to undo the damage they faulted.  Remember Abramoff and Madoff?

They want back in ,,, and the voters are IMPATIENT as usual.  So President Obama and the Democrats only hope for the Nation is to gain full control and right this USA ship of state.  Otherwise,,,

And as voters, it is our responsibility to understand what we voted in mostly GRIDLOCK with a Democrat President and a weak Democrat rule Senate and Strong Republican rule House,,, and try to fix it.   The only practical way i can see is to vote all one party to President, Senate, and House.  You may say "Were then is the ideal/fantasy of the debate and public discussion in Congress of both sides and all perspectives on issues?"  And i would say "All we got was gridlock, Wasted time, pointless committees, 4 long long long long years of missed opportunities."

Imagine,,, if we had over 90% voter turnout for the first time in our Nation's history!?   2012 and we are on the cusp.  Every voter counts, like kings!