Thursday, November 17, 2011

Massive , nationwide FORECLOSURES are no 'accident' and should be OUTLAWED !!

When i was a kid , i use to think most things happened by accident.  i would exercise the dog on my bicycle ,,, and invariably the dog would see a cat or another dog and pull me off the bicycle or run under the bicycle,,, and i got a cast on my arm.

Now that i am over 50 and well read and well experienced, i don't believe in "it's just accidental, no blame , no foul" , especially with the banker-caused 2008 worst recession in USA history and the massive nationwide foreclosures that are still going on.

  Why do we allow the same people, bankers, who caused this national mess to not only profit enormously by a taxpayer bailout, but by letting them take away housing/property because people have lost jobs and factories have moved away and our very own Congress has worked against the national public interest in this regard?

When the most recent national crisis happened in 2008, a law should have said "banks can not foreclose on your one and only house, if bankers were the cause of the very same national financial crisis".  So people that have been paying bankers their mortgages for 10 years, month by month, $1000 of dollars, and for 20 years with interest payments that in the end will far exceed the inflated retail price of the house-another costly gambit that needs more reregulation- and for 29 years , just short of paying off their mortgages in 30 years, LOSE ALL EQUITY AND ALL THOSE MORTGAGE PAYMENTS AND THEIR ONLY HOUSING to the guilty as charged, at-fault Bankers!!

There are lots of Republicans who say they l-o-v-e or like Capitalism like this,,, and Deregulation like this,,,

But when it steals from millions of Americans, to benefit a few "too big to fail" banks, there is something very rotten in our laws and in our USA system.  Did you read recently in Newsweek about Congress buying and selling stock , 'legally', on insider trading!!, making most of our Congress ,already with life time pensions and the best medical care that even Veterans can't get, not just Millionaires but Multimillionaires!?  Shocking that our own Congress has so little ethics and morals.

I read the 2 inch thick paperback on the S&L / savings and loan crisis years ago.  Shocking how that went on for years and basically , bad people moved into these nationally regulated banking institutions all over the USA and Congress turned a blind eye while the S&Ls were robbed from the inside, in broad daylight.  Not enough of those people had to give all that stolen wealth back and go to jail forever. So this was the Nation being robbed, fleeced, in broad daylight!

In the Great Depression, my paternal grandfather had a peach orchard, small one north of Sacramento, but big enough to fed the family of 4 and employ a Japanese family year-round to help with pruning and harvesting.  Bank of America IMMEDIATELY took away the small orchard, their only means of income, and their house, the only place they had to live.  My aunt was sent to live with relatives in Oakland and my Father was sent ,for years!, to live with relatives in San Francisco. Economists summarize the Great Depression with "only 1/4 of the nation was unemployed."  And Trillions in property was stolen /taken painfully by the banks!  This was a national crisis,,, and yet the banks , like BofA profited enormously by gaining title and ownership of a tremendous amount of property all over the USA.

Again, most Republicans say that this is the best way to run the country, with bankers and insurance company lawyers going right inside Congress to write our nation's very own laws. And that the other extremes of Communism and Fascism and Socialism are equally bad,,, so we can't moderate with regulation.  We are on a financial roller coaster, and if the ship of state starts to sink, like with the recent debt limit blockage of a vote, so be it.  There is enough suffering for all, ALL OF the 99% !!

I say we have seen and lived the folly of deregulation.  The rich, given extra tax breaks, do not it is now well proven make more jobs.  And basically, we can no longer afford the folly of tax breaks for rich people's jets and millionaire's unemployment insurance, and billions in oil industry subsidies, and billions in farm subsidies to rich farmers. 

Does Congress appreciate the gravity of our Nation's deficit and debt?  Not for decades, Democrats or Republicans or both in combination. We are at the mercy of multinational corporations, and the Supreme Court now says that on paper fabrications called corporations are the equivalent of people, with all the rights and privileges.  We are so lost.