Tuesday, November 29, 2011

"Why are you spending medical insurance money on your (70,80, or 90) parents!?" ,,, is a SHOCKING STATEMENT YOU WILL HEAR OFTEN AT U.S.A. FOR-PROFIT HOSPITALS,,,

and widespread greed,,,
this is as low as we have sunk, so far.

Can you imagine!?
A RN nurse ,,, or even an MD doctor!,,, saying "Why are you taking (super-expensive) medical care of your (over 60) 'old' parents?"

If we voters are not careful, and the Republicans and anarchistic Right wingers get more seats, all that will really matter here in the U.S.A. will be "How much money do you have?", not any value, like the rule of law or ethics or keeping a sworn oath as a member of Congress.