Saturday, December 15, 2012

15DEC2012,,,Watched "Moyers & Co." the other day,,, SHOCKING NEWS from reporters that President Obama, before the election, said he wanted to be remembered in history for drastically cutting 'entitlements' like Social Security!! HOw can a Democrat run like he did and be so misrepresented,,, a "right of Eisenhower conservative' !!?

How can so many "Democrat" Presidents betray and doublespeak their campaign rhetoric? What was all that about 'single payer' and 'public option' with all his Deregulation fat-cat Wall st. friends who are in the cabinet?

Our first black, African-American President , a "Democrat" is a closet Conservative!! , not Liberal and not Progressive and certainly not a true "Democrat"?  How can this be??

Kennedy and all the media fraud about the Wonderful 'Camelot' b.s. White House, when he was cheating on Mrs. and foolishly getting us in trouble in Cuba Bay of Pigs invasion and even worse in Vietnam.

LBJ's famous ego and deeper in trouble in Vietnam and could not see until too late it was un-winable

Clinton also cheating on his Mrs. and terminating Glass-Stegal law that protected us from most bank folly for decades since the Depression. The crash of 2008 ,,, and the current big recession that no current pol. wants to talk about.

And now President Obama, telling us one thing to get elected and playing this ongoing charade with the press says 'hostile' (acting) Conservative and radical Republicans to result in a 'compromise' of cut SSN and all other 'entitlements'.  What a fraud if that is what the play is. Politicians and honesty are like oil and water. Are our elected officials for us of a. ,,,or just for hidden agendas?

I recommend all Liberal leaning and Progressive dreaming 'Democrat's leave the party and join the Green Party, as there are few 3rd party choices currently.  And the Republicans and Democrats, meeting philosophically and unethically in the middle, are too narrow a political spectrum for the USA and its famous founding father's values.

Maybe if millions of us leave a 'Democrat' party that can't lead on principle when in power position twice in 5 years,,, some good will come of it.