Saturday, December 29, 2012

What i want for Christmas from Hollywood: A ban on work blacklisting in California and then nationwide

Remember ever seeing all those actors who tried to play '1984' thought-police and stabbed their fellow actors in the back, publicly!, so that some actors and writers never worked again in Hollywood,,, and those that squealed for political reasons or philosophical reasons but certainly not American reasons , those misled spineless dirty rat actors became rich and famous !!

Why Hollywood is flush with cash. 
And if there is one thing politicians in the usa like more than votes, even during an election, is millionaires and billionaires big money. Money talks, more than Presidents. And if you think blacklisting at work does not happen in California still, there are little cartoon movie fantasies you can watch.

So Hollywood, why not do the state a charity, beside the actor's resthome and medical fund?  Take that great big social black eye you still have for some actors being rats, traitors, disloyal during Senator McCarthy's evil rein, and do a really good deed. Ban work blacklisting in California, whatever the cost in paid off politicians, and then nationwide.

Gad zooks, do you know of another profession where you can get so rich by just looking attractive and reading some lines?!  Presidents?  Wall St. bankers-thieves?  Failing while pay raising public school administrators?  Or is Hollywood still self-congratulating and self-indulging and self-centered enough to ignore the good that can be done with all those excess $Millionaires Millions and $Billions ?  They did not even take care of their own product in film stock as many famous films just disintegrated in dark close,, so maybe there is no hope for Hollywood. 

Then you can do something really remarkable and get dirty campaign contributions our of politics so we don't waste $2Billion on another election, again, and go to public funding of all elections.