Tuesday, December 18, 2012

A certain tragedy, but maybe preventable for Newtown, CT, an almost perfect American small town with great caring. They just all, parents to school principal, IGNORED A VERY TROUBLED CHILD.

The 'gun issue' is bogus, since the Mom single-parent legally purchased all the guns involved.

Yes it is difficult talking about how difficult parenting is, especially divorced parents.

But this boy Adam was VERY VERY SICK. And that is a subject most people don't want to talk about if it is their kid or someone elses.

  So no wonder all this chatter about banning assault weapons. We still, after all these recent school and kid mass murders, don't get it that every child is important and not just for the damage that a single lost and hurting child can do, like an adult. Democrats and Republicans are social responsibility adverse, except for the usual blue collar felonies by adults, as both parties become more compromising and alike. Let alone hard work in Congress adverse!!

And no one, or lovely charitable giving exceptional small town, did enough about it in this instance and probably others. No social worker,,, No principal making more than the President with golden handshake and golden parachute,,,no cop. Imagine if every town had one cop assigned to troubled and in danger children say at the ratio of 1000 population:1 cop up to a task force of 20 for big cities. What children are locked in dark closets with a pot to piss in when the mad parent goes to work? Add social workers,,,oh, and there goes the national budget better spend by the Defense Dept.! Thus 20 children were killed with guns, versus a baseball bat or sword. And eight adults.

 What a waste. What a tremendous tragedy. Again. And again. And again.

Here in California 'we'/the state politicians made the huge mistake to close all the state mental hospitals , like Sonoma and Agnews in the South Bay, just to save a few million $, and show how little they care for the less fortunate and those so troubled to cause crime, felonies, and mass murders and directly hurt the rest of us in society. Crime is done by social misfits mostly, right?  Yet we go on our blinders way assuming it is not our problem.  It is someone elses problem and expense. The cops. The social workers.  But as we were show again in Newtown, we all pay different prices,some immeasurable and unspeakable, some just tv news noticeable, when this happens in our community. Both political parties seem to be going against public works repair that is so obviously needed to a more conservative and libertarian position of pamper the rich, like pre-revolution France. Sad how we forget history's lessons so quickly, usually for short term some few's gain.

If we do not pay more attention to ALL OUR CHILDREN we will have more Mothers killed in bed by their children,,, and more mass murders by bomb or ax or baseball bat or gasoline fire from a lit rag in a gas can in houses or public school classrooms or theatres or public places.  The method is not nearly as important as THE CHILD THAT IS SO IGNORED AND IN SO MUCH PAIN THAT HE OR SHE HAS TO KILL TO EXPLODE their RAGE.

Did this kid Adam have to dye his hair red to show how unliked and shunned he was by his peers and unengaged by most adults that with a Boys Club or Boy Scouts could have easily stopped this !? 

I had the 1950s typical middle class upbringing with Indian Guides, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts lead by the cream of the neighborhood fathers. I hand neighors who had an open door for me and fed me at their dinner table as if i was one of their own as often as i wanted to visit different families on our friendly open block full of young and old families in small houses.  I had summer christian camp in the Santa Cruz mtns at Camp Campbell AND summer boy scout camp in the Sierras at Camp Hi-Sierra. And i had every kind of hunting and fishing and clamming snorkeling and abalone diving adventure with my Dad on the weekends when he was not teaching or grading tests late into the school nights. I had all the old and gone public school electives to enrich my life like Driver's Ed. , Woodshop, Metal shop, Electronics, Automotive, and elective options like Home Ec. for sewing and cooking and Art classes. 

Did i 'need' all these activities and interaction with peers and caring adults? Yes. My stay at home , retired teacher Mom had her hands full cooking and cleaning for 4 kids! If i had not had these i can easily see myself smoking cigarettes and drinking much more and getting into much more trouble from boredom and isolation as a teen and adult.

What do children have to do, Senator Feinstein, to matter mental health-wise to you and your benched lazy do-little breathern in the Senate and House of Congress!?  Set themselves and their world on fire?