Saturday, May 02, 2015

Huge American Press Cover-up!!: The 1989 "loma prieta", Santa Cruz based,7.1 quake and the press release that "No one in SF got the 45 second earthquake on video." Not a pro or amateur, with all those tourist in town?? B.S.!!

Why is the govt and media/press hiding the facts and probably destroying any videos, evidence?

Why have most of the 1987 videos of the Golden Gate Bridge's 50th birthday party, and huge sagging middle, been taken down from YouTube and the Web?  Why does Wikipedia let someone bold face lie and state that "the bridge only flattened"?

Shades of book,1984.
No long national discussion of the Right to Privacy. Just a lot of hypocritical .com companies secretly taking and selling FOR $ MILLIONS and $ BILLIONS any and all private information, even your medical records.  And Congress does nothing.
And the national American Media and Press do little to nothing.
