Friday, August 21, 2009

"9-11" September 11th is near and almost time to honor our dead

Remember how workers were told to go back to their offices, after the terrorist plane crash?

Remember how airlines spent so little on basic common sense safety that the airplane doors were ,,,not secure?

Remember,,,how the flight attendants did not organize the passengers to take away just knives not guns,,,from the terrorists,,,and just let people sit,,,crash,,,and die in jet fuel burning flames on crashing?

Remember,,,how Shocked!!,,, and Angry!!,,,and Upset!!,,,and Hurt!!,,,and even Crying!!,,,on being told the news,,, President Bush was ,,,on national tv ?

Remember how little information was given to the victim's families about this terrorist multiple attack,,,even the planes are barely visible thru the security-degraded digital cameras?

Remember,,,how badly our current air traffic system worked,,,with air traffic controllers not knowing or guessing why a commercial passenger jet was off course? And how little we have progressed since then, not even gps on every airplane ?

Remember,,,how lousy the military response was, scrambled fighter jets arriving too late,,,no comprehension of how wide a terrorist threat this was?

Remember,,,how badly the FBI and the CIA and the other national and state law enforcement agencies failed ,,,at sharing information,,,that could have stopped this at the flight schools,,,and instead the whistleblowers were crucified, as usual ?

Remember,,,how these terrorist plane attacks targeting the World Trade Center again,,,we the excuse President Bush needed to get us knee-deep in American blood , Trillions of $ of taxpayer money wasted, and lots of new enemies created in the Middle East 'conflicts' since they are not official 'wars' ?

Remember,,,how many husbands and wives and children ,,,are never going to see their family members,,,ever again?