Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do not expect any Republican to "Man Up" responsibly about how it was the Republicans who brought the USA to the BRINK OF FINANCIAL RUIN,,,

At quite a few of these town hall meetings, obvious Republicans ,even some wearing baseball caps instead of suits, are asking how we can spend more money,,,on this "public option",,,when we are already so IN DEBT and NEAR FINANCIAL MELTDOWN (because of the Republican at least last 2 terms, of 4 years each, of mis-direction and misled leadership by President Bush, from "deregulation" of almost anything, to extremely wasteful spending on the military ,such a vehicles that are not protected from road bombs being sent at the cost of millions,,,and billions,,,and trillions,,,to Iraq.)

Our President is too civilized and polite to ask if the person with the fear-driven question is a Republican, just out to scare the public from what is good for the USA in a "public option". Same old , same old ,,,Republican dirty tricks,,,from Nixon,,,to now,,,