Friday, August 14, 2009

The one Simple, Obvious Weakest Link reason HEALTH CARE REFORM might fail this 2009 year,,,again like under Clinton, that far back,,,

Congress has become full of lazy, dishonest WHORES to pac-funds, slush funds, any and all campaign funds ,,,to get re-elected,,,TO DO AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Yes ,yes ,yes they have TAKEN AN OATH WITH THEIR HANDS ON THEIR HEARTS OR A BIBLE,,,and they are breaking it every day, in every way.

We the public know this, but wish/hope to believe the way Congress is suppose to work,,,instead of the way it really works. Watch the movies about Congress again, as they are trying to tell us the myth is not the reality. Watch "G.I. Jane", or my favorite of the one where Jimmy Stewart takes his ideals to Congress,,,and is almost killed by the devious dishonest venal wasteful irresponsible outright lies of Congress, day to day ,every day.

Unless we shame Congress to do the RIGHT THING,,,and force them to change with only publically-funded campaigns with free tv and free radio time, then the USA will continue on its Titanic slide from being a civilized ideal-promoting advanced powerful country,,,to something pitiable like Mexico. You know it, you see it in our job losses, we all read about it in the newspapers and magazines. Yet Congress continues,,,to DO,,,AS LITTLE AS POSSIBLE. Aren't you embarrassed yet?