Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Republicans and so-called Blue Dog Democrats are acting like TRAITORS in August recess 2009

Republicans, after more than 8 years of total failure ruling the Federal government, and these disloyal Blue Dog democrats are acting in a TRAITOROUS non-patriotic fashion with now blantant disregard for what is best for the usa in favor of a very limited and few monied interests, the medical insurance lobby. Either these democrats do their duty to the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and do what is in the best interest of the UNION, or they should be run out on a rail of the democratic party,,,and Congress for their election coffer compromised ethical position against anything but for-super-excessive-profit private health care. We need a public option, not just for Senators and Representatives, and Veterans at the scary VA, and the two huge programs of federal medical called Medicaid and Medicare, that some Republicans want to do away with so we are more like Mexico, a 3rd world country/power, ruled by the rich few to the shame and degradation of the poor and uneducated and largely unskilled masses. That is where the Republican Party was taking us.

God save these United States of America from "enemies for foreign and DOMESTIC !!" And that is you!, Republican Party of Abramoff and Madoff, and you!, spineless cashed out Blue Dog democrats !!