There is so little hope out there. What's left is like Southern fireflys ,,or the stars over LA on a typical summer smoggy night, that are barely visible. Just us little people out here,,,hanging on by hope. Hope President Obama will not just be famous for being the first black American President. What a waste of opportunity that would be !! His campaign was so brave to talk about the need for single payer/universal government health care, and already the Democrats have easily rolled over and now even tiny token of a public option is in peril due to the lack of strong leadership, like Reagan, even tho that was in the wrong direction. And during the campaign there was talk and promises about getting our bloody and amputee military out of Iraq,,,and now those forces are just moving next door to an even worse military situation of Afganistan. Before the election, the free marketeers and deregulators like Greenspan ran the Federal banking and (not) regulating,,,and now we have more of the same with Mr. Bernake, who is greatly profiting the banks who said they did not want and did not need Fed stimulus money ,,,even tho they are failing by the score/dozen,,,while all the little people lose their jobs, go into foreclosure when FannieMae and FreddieMac should be bailing each one out with 3%fixed loans for 30 years, and there is still no windfall profit tax as our debt and deficit skyrocket.
So little hope for the USA,,,