Saturday, October 02, 2010

CHEVY and FORD,,,still,,,don't get it,,,Do they have one car with TDI engine? Do they have one car with 'Sparco" seats? Do they have one car as fun to drive as a MR2 type2 !??,,,HELL NO

And why,,,are these 2 huge 'american' auto companies still so ,,,unimaginative, hesitant, stuck in MEDIOCRE neutral !??

Must be that top heavy, too fatHEAD u.s. corporate structure,,,brain dead, committee delay driven, over-paid and under performing,,,same same same old shit,,,


Is it just the small start-ups that can think outside the ,,,RUT,,,?  This is the last decade for the "regular gas or premium gas" car.  Look how long it took Chevy to committee agree on the wedge front for the new Camaro. Stupid.

FIRE ALL THE COMMITTEES,,,FIRE MOST OF THE STIFFS IN WHITE SHIRTS ,,, FOCUS ON PERFORMANCE RESULTS, ERGONOMICS, AND COMPETITIVE DESIRABLENESS,,,that means toss that gutless pig v-10 truck engine,,,and the power train that has a Ford history for decades of over-revving,,,a v-6 is lighter and can out perform a v-8 and has less parts, thus is cheaper to maintain ,,, Clean up the crowded clutter that is the modern engine compartment,,,And for Gods-sake !!, stop giving us short dipstick tubes with hard to see handles !!

Must be embarrassing as Hell to have the name "Ford" these days,,,man!, wear a brown paper bag all day!!  You got little or nothing. Billion$, but ,,,little or nothing,,,

Even your trucks are Fem-bot bipolar disasters with plush=expensive to clean/'detail' seat covers and massive bloated like elephantiasis dashes!!  Guys want a truck like the '51 Chevy suburban you can turn a hose on the INSIDE, with lots of room and a small dash that still has a larger more usable glove box!! 

Guys, real guys, don't want to spend hours every week at the car wash detail service business,,,EVERY WEEK!! ,,,waiting with coffee,,,that is what women do,,, because they make a mess of our cars,,, and then want to wait,,, while they pay for some else to clean their mess,,, EVERY WEEK!!,,,  WOMEN ARE SLOBS IN OUR CARS,,,let then have a pigmobile all their own. One with stupid-expensive hard to maintain fabric and stupid-impractical design,,,so they can waste their own time and allowance waiting and waiting for the car wash braceros to EVERY WEEK expensively clean THEIR rides,,,

How about a tubular frame arc bench seat with Kevlar see thru fabric seat and back,,,spartan.  And a real wood steering wheel with aluminum-titanium core,,, not this sticky plastic shit you now give us. The airbag does not HAVE TO BE bigger than a sandwich,,,How about a cylinder/tube under the steering column,,,

I am ok with instruments in the center or both , not just hidden behind the steering wheel and signal lever and headlight stick. Stop 'tradition' same old same old look and parts,,, STOP !!  You have already turned Detroit and many towns into RUST GHETTOS !!  Yeah, we still blame you directly.

Get creative dammit and stop wasting all out time with all your show-no-go dream cars.  NO MORE DREAM CARS WE CAN'T DRIVE,,,IF WE CAN'T DRIVE AND BUY IT, DON'T JERK-OFF MAKE IT!!

And one of your stated missions must be to REBUILT DETROIT ,clean it up, tear down all the rusty old you are responsible for, in every auto plant city you have FAILED in.  You have been professionally incompetent and socially irresponsible,,, and profit-driven maniacal ,,, for way too long. Wall Street values and the law may not hold you accountable, but the U.S. public does hold you accountable for the HUGE DAMAGE YOU HAVE DONE  to the local and national economy.

Who is going to make Hovercrafts for fast passenger transport in Puget Sound and SF Bay and elsewhere?  Plus buses to compete with the Canadian Prevost, the best bus in North America for sightseeing travel, now that MCIs and German Setras are not.