Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oprah is super rich, but has pandering to women helped to civilize them,,,or are they still just desperate emotion unbalanced untrustworthy irrational untrustworthy immature unwise unconfident self-lost beings ,,,as ever ?

It is just a tv show. And another person has more money than they know what to charitably do with it.  So what,,,many women admire a single successful woman ?

I still see women long-term +10 years ,,,and kids!!,,, scamming lovers-husbands until he makes that big promotion,,,and they can quickly and mercilessly clean him out, heart new-huge-home new-car bank and soul.

I still see women having sex with men they do not even like or love.  Talk about savage raw social politics.

I still see women marrying total strangers for huge money lifestyle. Total strangers. Who suddenly leave wife and kids. Young women born into poverty trailer home-style are so bloody desperate.

Do women who read about cheap novel love even know what love is    ? 

DINK and you can't even afford a 60s family , average new home,  2 cars , vacations , and college/ university educations ,,,with 2 large incomes !!  Try 4. So welcome women to the work force,,,wanna get by with mormon polygamy ?  Death to the middle income class.