Friday, October 29, 2010

Jennie Macarthy says something like Women are usually faking it if loud and not having a real Orgasm

Me thinks Jennie is afraid of the big O.
Me thinks most women are out of touch with their sexuality and don't know how to enjoy an orgasm.  Me thinks women are into denial, sexual denial,,,and self awareness denial.

Fake it ! What is so great about being phony ,,,and trying NOT to have a good time,,,?  Jennie, you brought it up in flogging your new book. Don't orgasm much?

How many years,,,decades,,,has it been?  Avoid the multiple O ,too?  And you prefer 'faking it' ,,, to enjoying an orgasm?  Hummm,,,  That is Hollywood plastic pathetic.

Grow up , Jennie,,, 
Get a life !