Saturday, October 02, 2010

The 'military conflict' with China is coming. Sure as shit, we pampered them with low yuan exchange rates to get US businesses inside, and now they own us !!

And we are probably going to lose.

Why? Because they have no moral principles as Communists.  Look at how badly they treat their invaded neighbors in Tibet?  Look at how badly they treat their own people with massive out-of-control environmental pollution,,,and mass murder of infant girls,,,traffic in human slavery,,,Look at how easy it is for them to violate international laws of copyright protection and also send us poisoned products, from lead in jewelry to poisoned cat food.

We will lose because our young men soldiers have no jobs to go home to in the USA and have been mostly 'socially promoted' out of high school with lousy public school educations.  They are sleep deprived to the max. and are running on coffee constantly , adrenaline, and major cigarette addictions.

Sleep deprivation is and has been the stupid macho rule for decades in the American military. What kind of individual and group decisions do you expect from such a low ed., low IQ, too little sleep, constant coffee, cigarettes for cheap from the PX crowd? And alot of sailors/soldiers are physically unfit, fat, lazy and do not to PT daily!!

Oh,,,and you get treated like a SLAVE ,,, serf ,,, indentured servant ,,, nigger ,,, If i never hear again "sounds like a personal problem" when a family crisis arises suddenly, like Mom got an infection and is on her death bed, as the flip response to human enlisteds / draftees in this very psychologically abusive culture.

And medical care for soldiers is sooo second rate, that is why there are VA hospitals.  Otherwise they would go to the same hospitals as Senators and regular folks.  There should be one high standard hospital for all; Not the best for Senators and Billionaires, then ones for the rest of us,,,and then the dirty smelly lazy sloppy careless ugly  scary joke-of-a-hospital for our very own Veterans.  Crazy, but some Veterans still think 'separate but equal' works,,,

Our money for their cheap shoddy products is buying their military,,, that is threatening the Japanese this Autumn 2010. Their neighbors are next.  Then U.S.

And we, who can't even find BinLadin in 9 years, one  lousy person,,, are probably going to lose. Big time.  Get ready for it.