Thursday, October 28, 2010

"Enron" has Crashed California. So what have we learned from having a Republican Governor for 8 long years ?

Republican movie-star Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has promised not to raise taxes, since our state bond rating has fallen to the bottom from the top, this means we pay unnecessarily more to borrow than we should. So yes, he kept his 'promise', but it has further destroyed the State of California. We were down; Now we are near dead,,,And we just took away so  very corrupt gerrymandering from the state pols !!

LESSON #1= Republicans are Regressive, not progressive, and Obstructionists who will not cooperate, AT ALL , with the other party , Democrats. We paid $56M A DAY!! extra for a late budget of 25 of 30 years and for about 100 days ...That is total financial irresponsibility by California Republican elected state legislators, as if we did not learn that from BushJR in 8 long years. DO NOT ELECT REPUBLICANS WITH DEMOCRATS. LIKE OIL AND WATER, THEY DO NOT MIX.

We in California are in Purgatory and i for one certainly do not want to return to (Republican) Hell on Earth. Yes, the Democrats have been "timid", but to punish 'them', the Democrats, by voting for any Republican will only destroy our state government and federal government even more ,,, and punish all of us. And so many Republicans seem to relish being 'anti-government' anarchists .

The Republicans rule put us all in this Hell Hole in over 8 years,,,Don't you think the Democrats deserve at least 4 or 8 years to 'fair chance' get us out of this terrible national disaster ?