Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Republicans highest ideal is,,,"Less Taxes for the Maybe 5% Few Rich, So the Few Rich can Get Richer Because the 95% Most Are Getting Poorer",,,pathetic, isn't it.

And we Americans fell for it, THE BIG LIE, that the Republicans told us ,,, "If we don't tax the Super Rich so much, we will All be better off."

For 8 long years, that did not work.  Now Obama has been given just 2 years to dig us out of a hellhole Bush43 and the Republicans made,,,in 8 LONG MISERABLE NEAR-WORLD-ECONOMIC COLLAPSE YEARS.  So much damage done to ALL OF US, even outside the USA, all based on such a shallow lie.

"So the Very Few Already Super-Rich Maybe 5% Can Get Richer ,,, As 95% Most of Us Get Much Poorer."

Gee, how could we ,,, All ,,, have fallen for that !?