Sunday, February 08, 2009

Germany and Mercedes Benz will not make enough Sprinter vans for the USA,,,so what you say?

We may be in dire financial straits,,,how do the pundits put it now, the greatest loss of personal wealth ever ?,,,but we are not getting and should not expect much help from our international 'free' trade partners, such as Germany and Mexico. Companies have ordered, put deposit money down on, and waited over 10-11 months for these popular Sprinter vans , 'made in Germany'.

The same for Mexico, with the VW Jetta and its 'greenest engine of 2008' the TDI/turbo diesel (he invented them to run on peanut oil, he did, Mr. Diesel) that people are paying $2-5k extra for,,,if they can get them. And most can not. Volkswagon/VW and Mexico are not making enough to meet or even come close to meeting the demand this year, 2009, or next !! They promised to make more back in the Autumn of 2008, but alas,,,

So inspite of all these high-falutin' trade deals like NAFTA that brought us known carcinogen(cancer) MTBE ground water pollution, we Americans will probably be bailing out our own canoe alone,,,for a very long time,,,especially if the ruddy Republicans have anything to do with it !!