Sunday, February 08, 2009

SF Mayor Newsom,,,running for Governator?,,,HA

Look in the Southeast quarter, Third Street area, to see how badly he treats the poorest people and quarter of the city. Notice all the many miles of potholes and lack of years and decades of needed repaving,,,and the lack of police outside their cruisers,,,Quint street needs repaving badly,,,and many others,,,No huge gigantic parking garage block is 'planned' for the China Basin medical research park being built.

Even on the more affluent North and West quarters, many streets need repaving !! Look at 7th Avenue, south of Lawton.

If the number one business of SF is tourism, then why wait another year,,,and another year,,, to repave the road up to Twin Peaks, the geographic center and a tourist highlight ?? The Golden Gate parking lot BADLY needs two new sets of toilets ,,,just like the Marin side got. Don't wait for California, the NPS at the Presidio nor the Mayor.

Will there ever be an inside curb 'tour bus only parking' block on one of the 4 sides of the super famous Alamo Square with the 'postcard row of Victorian redwood houses' ?,,,not if neighbors are allowed to continue to believe and act as if this very popular PUBLIC park IS a "PRIVATE" park.

The city will never have its pipe dream to reduce the number of cars the SF residents have because some/so many many are so wealthy,,,and Muni is sooo scary,,,but then why not build more parking garages to get cars from parking on both sides of busy streets needed by commuters and delivery trucks that get a moving violation for double parking? The Mission Street garage at Moscone is way too short and the new Music Concourse underground lot is too small and too few. This is the story all OVER THE CITY !! Yeah, yeah, more bla-bla-bla about taxing incoming cars and commuters speeding from the west side of town to downtown on Bush Street ,,,