Thursday, February 05, 2009

Wednesday 4Feb2009 in Congress was the "BigTentShowCircus" of blaming the SEC for not watching Madoff, when it was Congress that KNEW ALL THE TIME ,,,

,,,since passing "Deregulation" with President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s !! It is nearly impossible that Congress did not know about the SEC having laws on the books and NOT ENFORCING THEM. That ,folks, is what you suckers voted for when you swallowed the big lie of "deregulation" by corporate america and its international reach to diminish local state and federal regulation.

I mean what is the point of paying these benchwarmers all that money in the SEC, and of course in our bloated inefficient and ineffective federal government,,,UNDER "DEREGULATION",,,if you did not expect them to do little or nothing ????! Some people may think that just because we elected an honorable President this time, our collective job is done. Heck no, we STILL HAVE TO FLUSH THE CORPORATE LOBBYISTS OUT OF CONGRESS by having public funded state and national elections with free digital tv and radio time. So we have so far far to go to return to a more democratic union than we would have been under the Republican sellouts.

I wish the new President all the very best, but he can not do this alone. We still need to fight for our rights ,,,and the elimination of torture,,,the return of the Glass-Stegal Act to reduce the risk of banks profiteering to the brink of collapse,,,and the public health measures such as the obvious clean water ,air and lands ,,,and while we are at it, the automated time tick so we know what time it is for business and our daily lives.

Let's all work together,,,and if the Republicans still want to be contrarians and obstructions by making up silly fusses about minor tax problems and Obama is not superclean like Jesus ,compared to the Bushes, w-hell we are so glad to the massive improvement we will not be fools for Perfection until Heaven. Let the Republicans continue to play their dirty uncivilized pro-riche and pro-corp. anti-democratic nonsense,,,and they will never ever rise again under such false colors. Think of all the various lies and smears and slanders and general dishonesty we have had to put up with in the last 8 years and longer ????!!!!

How do i know that Congress knew? I phoned at least one back in the 80s when i had a mutual fund series 6 sales license and saw rampant illegality, like forging signatures, that the SEC and Congress CHOSE TO IGNORE under "Deregulation",,,and now the corps and banks have super-profited,,,and we all commoners are left to pay,,,holding the bag.