Tuesday, February 03, 2009

I'll bet 2cents that EVERY ONE IN CONGRESS has had tax problems:submitted a federal tax return with a mistake on it,overpaid,underpaid,W/WO accountant

So if the American Media is sooo obsessed with this issue, let's look into it. I want to hear from EVERY SENATOR and EVERY REPRESENTATIVE that they or their paid accountant/tax cpa has presented a perfect federal form EVERY TIME,,,WITHOUT MAKING ONE SINGLE MISTAKE, small or large, like forgetting to sign the darn confusing thing, sometime in their lives.

Otherwise, this is just media masterbation,,,when there are much more serious issues and events to waste days grinding over and focusing on. I for one would like to see all these Wall Street bonuses, up close and exact. Yes, you can keep you name confidential , but i want to see what your 'regular' salary is,,,and how much 'BONUS' you skimmed from the shareholders.
And not just one or two examples, lets air this dirty laundry that has been well hidden behind Wall Street high rises for far too long. Go after THAT , lazy media !

As for ANY REPUBLICAN who claims to have a penny's worth of tax or fiscal rectitude, all we / i have to say is "ABRAMOFF", that lying cheating lowlife scumbag REPUBLICAN ,one among many, who did their dirty work for the Bush Reprobates and the Republican Party. Do you see that not one Republican has a leg to stand on when it comes to budget deficit and debt, and expecially the currrent massive economic world fiscal mess the Republicans have left us in,,,with no intent of doing anything about it if they had won i might add !! Do you see any 'win a dinner with Ann Coulter and or Newt Gingrich or Rush Limbaugh" contests for non-Republicans ?! They are the international social lepers, the Untouchables for many decades, after the fiscal neglect and fiscal nightmare they as a party have left us with. Look at the fraud arrogance of Madoff and all the other crook investment ceos that are revealed now ,,, and the Republicans allowed/ overlooked !!

President Clinton left us with a budget surplus, at least one thing he did right. So for anyone to forget the Golden Rule and Don't Throw Stones , the PBS nightly news on 3Feb09 was disappointing in that a few self-righteous extremists from Politico, the woman, and the black man ,,,and the two Republicans tried to hold everyone in dirty corrupt Washington to this unrealistic Puritanical standard, which is silly , to say the least. The average American understands that the American Federal Tax Code is way too long , way to corrupt with 'rifleshots' and 'loopholes', and that the Republicans let lobbyists come into Congress and actually write their homework for them,,,and that tax reform is a huge problem that Congress and Washington, D.C. has neglected for far far far too long.

So what did Republican President Bush and the Republican Party do with the first half ,$350 BILLION TAX DOLLARS, of the TARP/bailout money and were they fiscally responsible and transparent/honest with the public on how it would be spent ? First we were told the money would start to buy up dishonest bad 'toxic' assets, but it was used by their too chummy friends to buy investment banks that were and still are on the verge of failure,,,and it seems ok to par-tay like rock stars for AIG at the Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay like the other taxpayer invested irresponsible corporations,,,and remodel an office for over a $1million,,,fly and buy in and out of Congress with many too many corporate jets,,,oh, and the obscene bonuses for all those overpaid Wall Streeters and golden parachutes for incompetent c.e.o.s and failing corporate managers,,,with very little tracking or care where the money went. Did we miss anything on how fiscally irresponsible the Republicans were to the very bitter end? Ok, so much for any fiscal ideas from these total failures in almost every aspect of government, the Republicans.

So get a grip on reality and drop these extremists, PBS commentators. They do not represent the average joe or jill in the USA.