Monday, May 11, 2009

All this Tom Brokaw blather about Bill Gate's Microsoft fortune,,, just remember

that 1=Microsoft has never been considered safer than Apple,,,and there are lots of different kinds of viruses and worms,etc.

2= it has always been harder to use than Apple,,,what a pain in the neck most times !!,,,

3=there is little or no customer service included with Microsoft, especially compared to Apple,,,TALK ABOUT SHORT-CHANGED FRUSTRATING !?!?

4=there have been many many instances of both domestic and foreign ,accused and settled/guilty cases of UNFAIR TRADE MONOPOLY PRACTICES,,,

and in spite of the enormous size of the Gates fortune, he has yet to do one signifigant thing with it, like cure a minor disease or make all college text books free online to those who can least afford it or giving the best available computer, the Apple, to every elementary school classroom in the USA or,,,. So basically we are talking about a huge fortune, with little social-benefit merit.

Tom Brokaw, hell's bells,,,can't you find someone more worthy to talk about?? You went from ww2 veterans,,,to this !!??