Monday, May 18, 2009

The USA is pulling out of Iraq this year, but staying and going bigger into Afganistan for 4+ years??!! Is this what we want,,,and voted for??

We were chumped into going into Iraq. Senators are now saying how they screwed up in not being vocal opponents of the Iraq Wars before it got started. How much bigger chumps/suckers do we have to be to want +60,000 American soldiers in Afganistan, with sicko Pakistan breeding terrorists next door and taking us for over $1 Billion in aid?? 'Weapons of mass destruction' and 'links to al queda' turned out to be big fat political lies,,,

It will keep our military and state department busy, but is this the best use of scarce assets, especially American lives?
Some just don't care that we might be making more terrorist by meddling where we are not wanted in the Arab world, on the other side of the world. Well, don't expect much improvement on any other federal program, like social security or federal clean water, air and food standards.

We still have unsecured borders, and unsecured ports, so why are we looking for an impossible 'win' on the other side of the world? There is no way we can control the future of Iraq, Afganistan, or Pakistan,,,yet we continue to waste American lives with generals use to impossible missions like Somalia and Viet Nam.

So how long are you going to sit still and be a chump for this waste of lives and taxes and military machines ?!? Don't just vote, but write phone and march !!