Friday, May 01, 2009

Does GENERAL MOTORS really love their business and their car products? Obviously NOT, or there would be on their official website pictures and

,,,descriptions of every vehicle they ever made. Those of us that went to high school in the 60's might have loved the look of the GTO, coupe or convertible. But GMC is 'closing' the Pontiac brand, instead of selling it to someone inovative who will give us the old body with a modern clean TDI v-6 engine and rear drive. GMC has never loved its cars the way its customers have !! I wanted the '51 Chevy Suburban-like with the straight 6 (tdi modern) and an interior that you could hose off with removable bench seats,,,asked for it,,,and they made the HHR with a fussy feminine expensive to detail interior !!

Let GMC go bankrupt and flush out all these overpaid short sighted,rip off the public, make a lot of show cars they will never sell ,not up to the task managers,,,and maybe someone who really loves the 60s corvettes and will remake the bodies near identical but with modern cleaner and greener guts .

It should be painfully obvious to all American Taxpayers that the current GM management, most if not all, do not love the brand and the cars they make, poorly.