Friday, May 15, 2009

Curious to see how much rampant white collar crime the new Obama Administration lets Wall Street and CorporateAmerica get away with

Are the Bush43 shortened statute of limitations making it easy for more and more financial fraud criminals to get away, thanks to the new President's weakness in dealing with the leftover Republican fiasco financial disaster,,,and the historical spineless weakness of the Democratic Party, sold out to the lobbyists just as badly as the sleazoid Republicans?

Why have civil and criminal charges not been investigated and filed against the financial rating agencies ,like Standard and Moody's , that have already admitted publicly to selling soft,better but dishonest ratings for more money?

How much longer will the public be silent about the stumblers and fumblers and bs-ers from the Bush years who are still around trying ineffectually to con us into believing that real progress and 'change' has occurred, when all most of us see is more pandering to the rich and powerful and too risky to cover their own bets, bankers and too large insurance companies like AIG with horrid reputations,,,that need to be dismantled and made smaller for the amount of reserves they do have to cover their own tragic messes?

All while the rest of us are told to suffer unnecesary foreclosures and another unnecesary year of unfair and abusive bank and credit card practices !!? How long will the average American put up with this unequal justice where the super-rich are spared the pain that is put on the average American?

With home losses and job losses and dislocation, soup kitchen lines, how long until there are nationwide demonstrations to remind the Congress and President that there is a better, more just, fairer way to handle this mess? Martin Weiss says that deflation would be better than inflation. But it looks like the Fed Govt is still ,after 8 total failure years of Bush43, bent on ruining the national debt and the dollar.