Saturday, May 02, 2009

Kaiser Permanente insurance company-lousy substandard medical provider markets with "THRIVE", which real world translates to,,,

Spring 2009 and crummy Kaiser's advice nurse reply to "What do i do if i touch poison oak?" She ,the RN, said to "First ,rinse the area with water. Second, wash when you can with soap and water. Third, rinse with alcohol. And fourth, when you can buy a specialty soap for poison oak, use it."

The big problem with this RN -Kaiser medical advice is that nothing in #1, #2,or #3 will help , but just delay proper treatment IMMEDIATELY/within 24 hours WITH TECNU SOAP !! So if you follow Kaiser's advice you are wasting valuable time and more likely to get the painful rash of poison oak, poison ivy, or poison sumac with the usual delay of 24-48 hours.

Instead, buy TECNU at Walgreen's or RiteAid or CVS or Long's, AND KEEP IT ON HAND WHEN GOING backpacking or hiking or 'walking' in the California Coast Range or the Foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains up to about 6000 ft elevation. "Leaflets of 3 let it be!!"

Can not wait for Kaiser's version of substandard medical care to be declared 'unacceptable' by the new Federal national medical plan !! Such awful insurance companies should not be controlling our nation's medical care.

I have not had a finger prostate check in years, even tho my employer pays about $400/month and i pay a monthly co-pay 'premium',,,FOR WHAT ?!!? I have not had a PSA test in years, at an age over 50,,, My assigned physician says i have to take a day off work to come in and talk about why i have not been offered a colonoscopy in 11 years,,,before i can get the approval for one. She wants me to crap in a bag and give her a 'fecal sample'. AS IF!! ,,,i am going to loose a day of work just to talk to a lazy incompetent avoiding-AMA-standard-care physician at Kaiser!!