Thursday, May 14, 2009

First torpedo hit to the Obama Presidency and Democratic Congress majority, May 2009, S.J. Mercury News, "Anti-foreclosure bill defeated in Senate",,,

means that Congress is still 'owned' by the bankers that are 'too big to fail' and other lobbyists that DO NOT HAVE THE PUBLIC INTEREST AT HEART !! Thousands of homeowners need the Fed to help them get into Fed fixed mortgages and out of fraudulent adjustable mortgages,that have STILL not yet been outlawed,,,

So ,again, the Senate and Congress let the Banker pigs feed at the public trough of tax money,,,and to hell with the public good !!
This is a major tragedy for the new hopeful President Obama, but looks like the Democrats and Republicans have ,again, forgotten 'us' in the USA. Until we clean up all the dirty slush money from the lobbyists in Wash.,D.C. with PUBLICLY FUNDED FEDERAL AND STATE ELECTIONS, we can pretty much kiss goodbye any realistic expectation of the Feds doing the 'right thing'.