Thursday, May 07, 2009

"WHO KILLED THE ELECTRIC CAR?" was a crucial movie-dvd with a huge gaping hole, an explanation from our Federal Govt. as to why they did this stupid

thing !!

There are some things even our new, African- American !!, President, so popular for now, can not sweep under the National rug, like the issue of responsibility for torture,,,and the lack of while collar law enforcement concerning our current national fiscal and financial crisis leading to an international crisis.

Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld were so extreme in their behavior in power to break long-standing USA tradition against torture, especially after the horrible torture many Americans suffer from the Vietnamese and Chinese in that stupid wasteful ill-conceived and ill-planned Viet Nam War. The same goes for our current economic woes in that for you to believe that no one is responsible---even Greenspan has apologized sort of for being too trusting is his economic theory--and this is /was just a natural normal economic "cycle" or "bubble", boy o boy have they got you fooled while they pay for others mistakes out of your back pocket !!

Greenspan's name and words were "golden" and now they are seen as some jealot's religious sect of economics that went horribly wrong. He went from being constantly on the cover of Time to being one of the biggest foolers of all time, like Nixon, so wrong, pathetic and out of touch with reality.

Congress has ,for decades, gotten fat and so lazy with doing as little as possible. Let's see if there is lots of REAL "change", as promised. It won't be easy. (The lobbyists are still in control of our future.)