Monday, July 20, 2009

"60 Minutes" reveals another crucial new story,,,of how the Bush Admin. totally botched a near capture of #1 terrorist in the world

A ground miltary commander, for the Delta Force , says that we paid a bunch of tribal Afgan leaders MILLIONS and then allowed them to go home at night and not fight for us ,but the enemy!! Then we allowed an exit into Pakistan from the Torabora region of Afganistan, and even tho this American military officer had intel knowing precisly where the rebel terrorist Saudi WAS,,,and then not surrounding the area with more reliable American forces!!
And , of course, the Bush Admin. did not come clean about this while they were in office, being irresponsible , as usual.

Amazing, terrifying news about the overall incompetence of our Federal government and our military,,,in failing to catch when given a chance the #1 terrorist in the WORLD.