Thursday, July 09, 2009

Why has there been so little American medical discovery/advance in the last 50 years??

I use to give $1000 / year to breast cancer research,,,but where have all those millions and billions of medical research dollars gotten us in the last 50 years ?? Cancer is still a very expensive and profitable illness, along with alzheimer's and diabetes. So where are the results, American Medicine ?!

The American Cancer Society was recently on the Today Show and said they were mostly interested in the genetics of the cancer. Maybe if they 'copyright' the discovered cancer gene, they can make more money that way, than finding a cause and cure and relieving suffering and outrageous medical costs.

Kaiser asked me recently if i would like to sleep over for a minimum of $400/night,,,and i told them flat out "no thanks", i have a $990/month rented apartment that i am paying for and sleeping in !! Why would i want to increase Kaiser's profit margin,,,?

My childhood family doctor has alzheimer's and does not recognize his son or large family anymore,,,and why haven't our so lauded American medical research facilities found a way to alleviate much of this disease, or solve it. The family was spending over $45,000 just to have a live-in adult ,non-medical person stay with him at the old family home. Now they are paying much more for a senile/alz. special care resthome...very expensive and very profitable for the medical industry. Who cares ?????

This is an american tragedy.