Friday, July 17, 2009

Post "9-11" reflection,,,Most of the NYC terrorists were Saudi's ,yet we fought their war in Kuwait, lost thousands of American lives in Iraq & Afgan.

And now, July 2009 , President Obama who ran his campaign on getting us out of Iraq quickly, is now keeping all/most of those troops in that area, fighting expanded 'conflicts' in Afganistan,,,and making more enemies and terrorist for us back here for the unprotected in the States.

Mexico is on the verge of collapse, after decades of political corruption and social neglect,,,lacking enough middle income jobs,much public education or public health or environmental health,,, yet our southern border is still open as a desert to drug smugglers and 'coyote'-guides who lead illegal-entry Latinos daily and constantly across our disrespected border, to have children here gaining American citizenship since Congress does not care about the quality or legality of applicants. Our military would rather be on the other side of the world ,fighting a 'conflict' (since it is not an officially declared 'war') that kills thousands of our excess(no jobs,,,) youth, maims thousands, wastes billions and trillions of tax dollars when we CAN LEAST AFFORD IT, and has (honestly) absolutely no chance of success in making those Middle Eastern countries safer for their citizens or more democratic. Our military should be on our border, but that is not testosterone hot enough for the DOD and the Pentagon, who seem to be making national policy, instead of taking orders from our newly elected President.

If Americans are thinking this badly of us from the inside, imagine what our allies are thinking and feeling about our lack of ethics, as in allowing torture under President Bush and his VP,,,