Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy 4th of July , 2009,,,Salute to American Independence: it was impossible for Oswald to shoot 3 hits in less than 6 seconds, end of story.

Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT the solo shooter of President Kennedy, because damn few can shoot 3 bolt action rifle shots and hit a moving target from that distance in less than 6 seconds, with a 3rd rate rifle ,scoped and so little/no ,,, daily/weekly rifle practice. Period. End of story!

Was watching Peter Jenning's take on all the cover-up theories the other night. And this point is always glossed over,,,So who are the best marksmen in the USA?

You may say the Army special forces,,,ok, fine,,,You line up i don't care how many U.S. military soldiers with their "marksman badges" and i bet not even half of them, not even 25% of them, not even 10% of them !!,,,can get off 3 rifle bolt action shots at a moving target at that distance, with hits as in Dallas, in less than the 'proposed' 6 seconds that most people say it took Oswald.

I was raised ,hunting and fishing in the 50s and 60s and 70s and 80s, most of my life,,,and i have seen some amazing "crack shots" like my hunting partner Dick, who can hit a trotting deer ,or two, in the neck spine at over 100 yards with one shot each,,,instant merciful death.

If the American military is too cowardly to take the challenge, you can go to any public rifle range of the few still existing in the USA, and politely ask one of the bolt-action rifle users there to show you, for $20 bucks, if they can shoot 3 scoped rifle hit SHOTS at that Dallas distance, fixed or moving target, IN LESS THAN 6 SECONDS.

It ain't going to happen public,,,because it is physically near impossible. Go to a gun store and , with permission, try to do it with an empty bolt rifle, "dry firing". Near impossible, right,,,yet we are to believe some wacko drifter like Oswald who did not practice shooting often enough, was able to pull this off from that Dallas office building,,,Ever since then,our own Federal government has been steadily and constantly lying to us, the electorate, the public. About most everything, from the improbability of global warming,,,to "weapons of mass destruction".

And yet that is the crux of the huge 'propaganda' lie the u.s. government has been trying to trick us with for decades,,,When it happened, there was NO WAY i was going to TRUST President LBJ, who kept us in VietNam and lied to us about any possibility of success/"victory" there, wasting thousands of American lives , bodies, futures, and resources. President Eisenhower warned us all when he left office about the looming background anti-democratic growing influence of the "military ,industrial, Congressional complex",,,and now we have sequential non-official-wars all over the world and a bloated fraudulent out-of-control military that is telling Congress what to do!! Where oh where, God, is the American Peace Movement ?!!

Certainly not going to trust the Warren Commission with President Ford, who spinelessly pardoned President Nixon, who should have been sentenced and jailed,,,but the Fed is no longer " the government of , for ,and by the People". President Nixon will be cursed in the history books forever for his dishonesty and illegality in office, and for stealing with the peace-time "draft" from college students like myself of 2 years of wasted involuntary servitude. Lobbyists for huge money special interests own Congress, which will not do the right thing,,,or much of anything, in these desparate terrible times.

We may still have the freedom of speech,,,but without a federal whistleblower protection strong law, it means less than it should. We still have "life ,liberty, and the pursuit of happiness",,,but in a country legislated by laws and a corrupt,too large and complex to be enforceable IRS tax code written primarily for the benefit of the already rich and secure,,,it doesn't mean as much as it might. The touted "American middle class" has almost been completely destroyed, by our own government! We are making the same mistakes as our forefathers, coming from countries where the rich were pampered and had too much influence and power.

God save what very little is left of America !! Happy 4th of July, 2009.