Tuesday, July 14, 2009

San Jose has a huge real estate problem in its weak 'code' enforcement

My folks have lived in south central SJ since the 50s ,when pride in home ownership was more of a given or standard. Now in Lincoln Glen and Willow Glen, two of the better suburbs, a neighbor can decide to let his front lawn go to weeds, pulling down the resale value of every house on the block, and San Jose can not do anything about it. Or wont.

On Gerald Way, there are a couple houses that do not water or care for their front yards in this expensive $700,000+ ranch home neighborhood, built in the 50s for less than $20k. Then there is the family with all the cars in the driveway and all over the street ,,,and the jungle of vegetation out front. Next door is a extended or very large group of Mexicans, who also fill the driveway and street with all their cars. A "single family home" but San Jose says so many many people living in one house is "legal". Time to move or definitely not consider living in such an irresponsible environment.

One house was repo-ed by the bank, so the yard fell quickly into weeds. Why is the bank not a responsible homeowner and neighbor??! Banks !! These homes are eyesores!!, so if you are thinking of investing your hard earned money in Silicon Valley, you best reconsider!!

Oh, and beware of repainted house with old,50 year old , service lines like electrical and water and sewer that some agent are trying to sell as good as new!! Have you ever seen a 50 year old water pipe or electric wire??!!